Internet protocol (AODP)

The typical process of the internet protocol

Der reguläre Ablauf des Internetprotokolls

During a sale via the internet protocol, two separate transactions take place, one between consumer and retailer and the other between retailer and supplier. The business structure between retailer and consumer with AODP does not change. New is the protocol's regulation of the simultaneous interaction between retailer and supplier. The entire communications process takes place automated and lasts only a few milliseconds.

The consumer initiates the AODP process. In a retailer's online catalogue, he/she may find a particular sheet music edition which he/she wishes to obtain. He/She adds it to his/her shopping basket and proceeds to the checkout. At this moment, an automated request is directed from the retailer's server to the supplier's server to prepare the said item for sale (Prepare). As soon as the download file has been prepared, the supplier's server sends back a confirmation (Prepared).

After the retailer has received payment from the customer, the former directs the second inquiry to the supplier's server to request the distribution of the digital sheet music file (Commit). As a reply to this second inquiry, the supplier returns another confirmation (Ready for download), and concurrently transmits the download link (URL) to the retailer with which the consumer can download the item. The download link is forwarded automatically from the retailer to the consumer. When the consumer activates the link, he/she obtains the digital sheet music file direct from the supplier's server. Additionally, a last request may be sent from the retailer's server to the supplier's server, inquiring whether the download was successful (GetStatus). This check-up is answered with another positive confirmation (Download complete).

Details and backgrounds

The internet protocol is divided into different phases which refer to the supplier's (server's) status reports to the retailer's (client's) requests. A closer look at the phases will illustrate the principle behind the protocol.
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AODP for Your Industry

AODP, the new decentralized method for digital sales will initially be implemented in the printed music industry. AODP and the concept behind it can both be technically implemented in all kinds of industries selling digital articles, e. g. Music, books, software, newspapers, etc. Thus, the AODP service will be suitable for a wide variety of industries in the future.
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A virtual connection for trading partners

In the context of the NNND project, an internet protocol called "Automatic Ordering and Delivery Protocol" – AODP in short – was developed. It controls the process of communication between supplier, retailer and consumer. Orders and delivery of digital products can go on decentrally, automatically and safely via AODP.
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