The new path towards a digital market
AODP – Seize the opportunity and discover your personal future in digital sales!
Interested in expanding your current offerings with digital sheet music, but don't know how? The questions raised with this thematic are of course not simple, yet, solutions to these challenges as well as new opportunities are put within reach with the implementation of AODP.
Do it yourself instead of giving control over to third-parties!
With AODP you have the chance to actively shape the future and to participate in digital sales via a decentral business network.
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Transparency for suppliers
With AODP a publisher saves and provides their own master data. AODP allows them to remain the producer and distributor of their own goods. The
publisher not only has a physical warehouse for their goods but also a something like a "digital warehouse".
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Conquer the digital market as a retailer
For retailers AODP makes it easier to get into the digital market. The technically complicated collection and organisation of digital master data is provided
decentrally by the supplier. Meta data is all that is needed to offer digital editions, just like with physical products.
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What's new about the digital sale with AODP?
The sale of digital goods is nothing new. However, a new decentral infrastructure with AODP brings new opportunities to market participants.
First, picture how physical product are sold. The suppliers (publishers) print and stock editions of sheet music and deliver them to retailers.
The retailers offer and sell these goods to their customers. Many different partners participate in this process.
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AODP – A virtual connection for trading partners
AODP is a new internet protocol developed in the context of the NNND project. The "Automatic Ordering and Delivery Protocol" (AODP) facilitates the
process of communication between supplier and retailer. Order and delivery of digital products can take place decentrally, automatically and safely via AODP.
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AODP for your industry
AODP, the new decentralized method for digital sales will initially be implemented in the printed music industry. AODP and the concept behind it
can both be technically implemented in all kinds of industries selling digital articles, e. g. Music, books, software, newspapers, etc.
Thus, the AODP service will be suitable for a wide variety of industries in the future.
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The market for digital content is expanding, and in the field of sheet music new technical innovations are taking place. The music publishing branch needs a strong concept to guide its digital future in order to optimally take advantage of arising opportunities. The aim is to enable all participants of the value chain to become active in the digital field and thereby to create an optimal market for digital products. The goal of the NNND project is to create the required technical basis for this market.